Purchase rules

  • 1. General rules.
    1.1. These rules for the sale and purchase of goods (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are a mandatory legal document that establishes the rights of the Buyer and the Seller, the obligations and responsibilities of the Buyer when purchasing goods in email. store.
    1.2. The seller reserves the right to change or supplement the rules at any time, taking into account the requirements of the law. The buyer can familiarize himself with the changes in the Rules on the website store. The buyer is subject to the Rules in force at the time of purchase of the goods.
    1.3. Purchase goods in e-store have the right:
    1.3.1. individuals who have reached the age of majority;
    1.3.2. minors from 14 to 18 years old, only with the permission of their parents or guardians, except for the cases when they independently manage their income;
    1.3.3. legal entities;
    1.3.4. authorized representatives of all of the above persons.
    1.4. The seller approving these rules guarantees that in accordance with clause 1.3., The buyer has the right to purchase goods in e-store.
    1.5. An agreement between the buyer and the seller can be concluded from the moment when the buyer in the electronic store has formed an order, indicated the delivery address, chose the payment method and having read the Rules, clicked the "Place an order" button (see paragraph 5 "Ordering goods, prices, calculation procedure , terms ").
    1.6. Each contract concluded between the buyer and the seller is stored in the electronic store.

    2. Protection of personal data.
    2.1. Order the product in e-store can Buyer:
    2.1.1. by registering in this email. store - by entering the registration data required by e-shop;
    2.1.2. without registration in e-store.
    2.2. The Buyer, when ordering the goods in the manner specified in clause 2.1., Is obliged to correctly indicate the required e-store details: name, surname, delivery address, phone number and email address.
    2.3. By accepting these rules, the Buyer agrees that his data specified in clause 2.2. will be used to ensure the delivery of goods, as well as to analyze the work of suppliers and target marketing.
    2.4. By agreeing that the Buyer's data will be processed for the purpose of selling and delivering goods, the Buyer also agrees that his mailing address, email address. mail and phone number can be sent messages related to the order of goods.
    2.5. The buyer, registering and ordering goods in e-store, undertakes to keep confidential and protect the login details of the e-store.

    3. Rights and obligations of the Buyer.
    3.1. The buyer has the right to purchase goods via e-store on the basis of these Rules, as well as other information specified in the e-store.
    3.2. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract with e-store, notifying the Seller in writing (by e-mail, indicating the name of the returned product and the order number) no later than 14 (fourteen) business days from the date of delivery of the product.
    3.3. Buyer's rights specified in clause 3.2. can be accepted only if the product has not been damaged or its appearance has been significantly changed, and the product has not been used.
    3.4. The buyer undertakes to accept the ordered goods and pay the agreed price.
    3.5. If the data of the Buyer specified in the registration form changes, the Buyer must immediately update them.
    3.6. The buyer undertakes not to transfer information about connecting to e-store to third parties. If the buyer loses the connection data, he must immediately inform the Seller about it in the "Contacts" section.
    3.7. Buyers using this e-shop, agrees with the Rules of Sale and undertakes to adhere to them.

    4. Rights and obligations of the Seller.
    4.1. The Seller undertakes to fully ensure the Buyer's use of e-store.
    4.2. If the buyer tries to harm the performance, stability and security of e-store, the Seller has the right to immediately and without notice suspend or restrict the Buyer's access to e-store, or in exceptional cases, delete the buyer's registration.
    4.3. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer's private information specified during registration in the e-store.
    4.4. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods to the address indicated by the Buyer.

    5. Ordering goods, prices, settlement procedure and terms.
    5.1. Buyer in e-store can pay off around the clock, 7 days a week.
    5.2. This Agreement comes into force from the moment when the Buyer clicks the "Confirm Order" button, and the Seller confirms the order by sending a confirmation to the email address specified by the Buyer.
    5.3. Prices for goods in e-store and in the generated orders are indicated in Euro including VAT.
    5.4. The buyer pays for the goods in one of the following ways:
    5.4.1. Payment via electronic banking is an advance payment using a bank transfer through a banking system. The buyer, in order to use this form of payment, must have a signed agreement with one of the following banks: SEB Bank, Swedbank, DnB NORD, Parex Bank, Danske Bank, Nordea Bank, Citadele.
    5.4.2. Payment is made by bank transfer - preliminary settlement, the buyer, print the order and went to the nearest branch, transfer money to e-Shop's Bank account.
    5.5. The buyer undertakes to pay for the goods immediately. Only after receiving payment for the goods, the seller begins to form an order and sets a delivery date.

    6. Delivery.
    6.1. When choosing a delivery method, the buyer must indicate his address correctly.
    6.2. The buyer undertakes to accept the goods. If the buyer cannot accept the goods, and the goods are delivered to the specified address, the buyer has no right to make claims to the Seller.
    6.3. The Seller delivers the goods himself or an authorized representative of the Seller (courier).
    6.4. The Seller will deliver the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the descriptions of the terms specified in the description of the goods or in shl. store. The Buyer agrees that, in exceptional cases, delivery may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the Seller's control. In this case, the Seller undertakes to immediately contact the Buyer and negotiate other acceptable delivery methods.
    6.5. In all cases, the seller is released from liability for violation of the delivery time of the goods, if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are delivered late through the fault of the Buyer or for reasons beyond the control of the Seller.
    6.6. The Buyer is obliged in all cases to immediately notify the Seller if the goods are received in crumpled or otherwise damaged packaging.
    6.7. At the time of receipt of the goods, the buyer in all cases, having discovered a violation of the packaging, must note this fact in the courier invoices. The Buyer must do this with the participation of the courier. Without performing such actions, the seller is released from liability to the Buyer for the multiplication of damaged goods.

    7. Product quality, guarantee.
    7.1. Data for each item sold in e-store are listed in the description items next to each item.
    7.2. The Seller is not responsible for the discrepancy between the color of the product, shape and other parameters that may not correspond to the real product due to the peculiarities of the monitor used by the Buyer.

    8. Refund and replacement.
    8.1. Defective goods must be returned or replaced in accordance with the decree of the Minister of Economy of Lithuania on June 29, 2001, No. 217. In all cases, the money for the returned goods must be transferred only to the Buyer's bank account.
    8.2. In order to return the goods in accordance with the rules of clause 8.1., The buyer can do this within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of delivery to the Buyer by sending a notification to the Seller by e-mail, indicating the reason for the return of the goods and the order number.
    8.3. When returning the goods, the buyer must adhere to the following conditions:
    8.3.1. the goods to be returned must be in their original packaging;
    8.3.2. the product must not be damaged;
    8.3.3. the product must be unused, has not lost its appearance (labels, stickers, protective film, etc. are not damaged) (this does not apply to the case when the returned product has a manufacturing defect);
    8.3.4. the returned product must be in the same configuration as when received by the Buyer;
    8.3.5. when returning an item, you must provide a document confirming the purchase of this item or a copy of the document.
    8.4. The Seller has the right not to accept the goods returned by the Buyer if the Buyer does not follow the rules for returning the goods specified in clause.
    8.5. Returning the wrongly sent product or defective product, the Seller undertakes to accept it back and / or replace it with a similar product without defects.
    8.6. In the event that the seller does not have a suitable replacement for the goods, the Buyer will be refunded the amount of the goods, excluding the shipping costs.

    9. Buyer and Seller Responsibility.
    9.1. The Buyer is fully responsible for the correctness of the data provided by the Buyer. If the Buyer provides inaccurate data in the registration form, the seller is not responsible for the resulting consequences, and has the right to claim direct damages from the Buyer.
    9.2. The buyer is responsible for the actions taken using this e-shop.
    9.3. The registered Buyer is responsible for the transfer of his registration information to third parties.
    9.4. The Seller is released from any liability in the event that the losses are related to the fact that the Buyer, despite the Seller's recommendations and his obligations, did not familiarize himself with these Rules, although he was given such an opportunity.
    9.5. If email. The Seller's store contains links to the websites of other companies, organizations or individuals, the Seller is not responsible for the information contained therein or the activities of these persons.
    9.6. In case of losses, the guilty party will compensate the other party for direct losses.

    10. Marketing and information.
    10.1. The seller can, at his discretion, initiate an e-store various promotions, special offers.
    10.2. The seller has the right, without prior notice, to change the terms of the shares, as well as delete them. Any change in the rules of shares or their deletion is valid only forward, i.e. from the moment of their execution.
    10.3. The Seller sends messages to the Buyer through the contacts specified in the registration form.
    10.4. The buyer sends all messages and questions by e-mail or contacts by phone specified in the e-store in the "Contacts" section.
    10.5. The seller is not responsible if the buyer does not receive information or messages about purchase confirmation due to the fault of the Internet service provider, email service or network problems.

    11. Final provisions.
    11.1. These Purchase and Sale Rules have been drawn up in accordance with the legislation and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
    11.2. All disputes arising in connection with the execution of these Rules will be resolved through negotiations. In the absence of an agreement through negotiations, disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.